Manager Partner of Penteado Mendonça e Char Advocacia
Member of the Brazilian Bar Association Nr. 54.752/SP
- Attorney graduated by Law School of Largo São Francisco – University of São Paulo, with specialization by the Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwickclung/Germany and by the Fundação Getúlio Vargas/Brazil;
- Provedor [President] of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (biggest Charity Hospital of Brazil);
- General Secretary and former President of the Academia Paulista de Letras [Literature Academy of São Paulo];
- Counselor of the Superior Council of Law of Fecomércio [Trade Federation] of São Paulo;
- Counselor of AIDA/Brasil – Association Internationale des Droit des Assurances;
- Member of the Academia de Letras Jurídicas de São Paulo [Academy of Legal Literature of São Paulo];
- Vice-President of the Council of the Academia Nacional de Seguros e Previdência [National Academy of Insurances and Pension Funds];
- Counselor and Legal Director of ABGR – Brazilian Risk Management Association;
- Member of the Attorneys Institute of São Paulo;
- Member of the Mediation and Arbitration Chamber of IASP [Lawyers Institut of São Paulo];
- Permanent Member of the Mediation and Arbitration Chamber of CIESP [Industries Center of São Paulo State];
- Member of the Examining Commission for the 183rd Admission in the Magistracy of São Paulo State;
- Lecturer of several courses of FIA-FEA-USP [Management Institute Foundation – Economy and Management Faculty – University of São Paulo];
- Lecturer of the Continued Education Program of Fundação Getúlio Vargas / SP;
- Columnist of insurance matters of the newspaper “O Estado de S. Paulo”;
- Columnist of the newspaper “Tribuna do Direito”;
- Producer and broadcaster of the program “Insurance” of Rádio Eldorado (O Estado de S.Paulo Group);
- Producer and broadcaster of “City Chronicles” of Rádio Eldorado (O Estado de S.Paulo Group);
- Member of the Academia Paulista de História [History Academy of São Paulo];
- Former President of the Consultive Board of the Association of Insurance Technicians of São Paulo;
- Former Vice-President of the Board of CIEE [Integration Center Company and School];
- Former columnist of the newspaper “Jornal da Tarde”;
- Former Member of the Editorial Council of EDUSP [Publishing house of University of São Paulo];
- Former Counselor of AAMAC – Associação de Amigos do Museu de Arte Contemporânea da USP [Association of Friends of the Contemporary Art Museum of the University of São Paulo];
- “Crônica da Cidade” [City Chronicle]
- “Crônicas de Amor e Outras Histórias”[Love Chronicles and Other Stories]
- “A Cidade em Movimento” [The City in Movement]
- “O Toque do Verde” [The Green’s Touch]
- “Temas de Seguro” [Insurance Themes]
- “Livro de Assinaturas” [Subscriptions Book]
- “Federal Constitution – 20 Years Commemorative Edition” – Chapter VIII – Social Order –
Social Security in the Federal Constitution of 1988 - “Diálogos sobre a Vida” [Dialogues about Life]
- More than 2000 technical articles about insurance, pension fund, health plans and social security published in Brazil and abroad;
- More than 6200 chronicles broadcasted since 1992 by Rádio Estadão/Eldorado;
- More than 300 political/economical articles and about Brazilian of Brazil;
- Several academic works published by Fundação Getúlio Vargas, by FIA – FEA / USP-University of São Paulo and by the national and international specialized press.
- Languages: Portuguese, English, French and German.